At BR!CKS we create maker education, in which ‘thinking’ and ‘doing’ are equal and interchangeable. We ensure that every child believes in themselves. Now and in the future!
By thinking and doing, children quickly experience what they like and what they are good at. Making education offers many successful experiences and ‘the pride’ in what children have made so beautifully themselves, gives energy and confidence. Confidence with which they also dare to tackle things that they may not be so good at yet. This is how we prepare our children for the future. Their future!
Our child center is literally and figuratively in the middle of our beautiful neighborhood. A neighborhood where we live together, where we appreciate differences and where we promote cooperation. This is also the case at BR!CKS. We work with a small team in which we know exactly how we can strengthen each other and the children.
In our maker education, knowledge and skills are equal. After all, you can't do without thinking and you can't think without doing. We need both. We need each other. Faith and trust in our own and each other's abilities ensures that we can make together!
Our child center is located in the middle of the neighborhood and likes to work together with the neighborhood. The triangle between parent, child and teacher forms the basis, but in addition we like to bring the outside in with guest lessons from people/parents from the neighborhood, and like to bring the inside out with excursions and internships at the companies around us.
At BR!CKS, everyone from the neighborhood is more than welcome. We offer a safe environment in which every child can discover and experience what he/she really likes. The most beautiful thing we fortunately hear every day:
“yes! it worked!”
and then…
“Brickems, that's nicely made!”
More than 20 educational professionals, who are ready to make it happen together with each other, the children and the parents!
View our latest technology-oriented projects here.
We do a lot, a whole lot, even too much to put it all on this website… just check it out on Facebook!
Everything you want to know about our view on education and practical information about timetables and days off can be found here!
This website gives a good impression, but you can experience the real BR!CKS feeling during a visit to our beautiful Child Center!
Dit schooljaar is er een heleboel nieuw speelgoed voor tijdens het buitenspelen aangeschaft. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan stapstenen, springtouwen, levensgrote jenga en vier-op-een-rij, sjouwplanken, ballen in alle soorten en maten… Zo wordt buitenspelen nóg leuker! 😍 ... Bekijk meerZie minder
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Vanmiddag kregen de groepen 1/2A en 1/2B bezoek van twee conducteurs! Afgelopen vrijdag hadden de groepen al een fotospeurtocht op het station in Best. Vanmiddag mochten ze de conducteurs alle vragen stellen die zij over de trein hadden. Het was een interessant en leerzaam bezoek!🚉🛤️ ... Bekijk meerZie minder
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‘En daar gaan we…’🎶🎤🪇
Tijdens de muziekles komen er veel verschillende vaardigheden aan bod. Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van de methode @123_zing , maar daarnaast maken de kinderen ook kennis met muziek(stijlen) van over de hele wereld! 🗺️ ... Bekijk meerZie minder
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