At BR!CKS we teach children to be partly responsible for their own learning process and development!
Every child can be proud
At BR!CKS we teach children to be partly responsible for their own learning process and development. The basis for this lies in offering fun, challenging, varied and valuable maker education. And all of this in a safe and secure culture.
In addition to attention for the cognitive subjects, the social-emotional development of our students and the acquisition of 21st century skills, we also find the development of creativity and talent development important. We provide dance, drama, music and visual arts and maker education divided over four different profile areas: Green growth, Care & well-being, Digital skills and Nicely made.
We assume the qualities of our students and our ambition is that every child leaves our child center after eight years with a sense of pride in everything he/she has achieved. A BR!CKS student flows well prepared and in line with his or her knowledge, ability and desire to continue.
Strong through diversity
Our school houses different cultures and our team consists of over 20 professionals. We learn from and with each other and respect that we all have a different background and our own story. That enriches our view and our actions. Communication between teachers, children and parents is of great importance; together we are responsible for good education and we ensure that our children will make it!
Our vision ties in with the colorful school culture, the students, the parents, the neighborhood, the environment (Brainport) and the global and social developments (the future). The 'making education' provides the connection.
We have summarized this vision in the slogan: ‘BR!CKS, That’s where you make it!’.
Our vision
We have formed a vision about our education. Education that fits in with the current school culture, the students, the parents, the neighborhood, the environment and the global and social developments. The 'making education' ensures the connection. View our vision here.
Connecting by doing
At BR!CKS you make it… both figuratively and literally. We encourage children to shape themselves and let them discover this by creating concrete things and solutions (inspired by technology). So we really let them DO!
That ‘doing’ is also what connects us to the outside world. With the district that is characterized by the housing of migrant workers of different origins and the enterprising nature of the residents. And with the industrial and surrounding area and the increasingly internationalizing region that is leading the way when it comes to technological developments and innovation (Brainport).
Mission: happy children with a promising future
At BR!CKS we want every child to see where his or her chances lie… now and in the future. Children who know how to seize chances are able to walk their own path and stay close to themselves. The basis for personal happiness!
Vision: believing in each other
Seeing and seizing opportunities – regardless of your background, culture or status – starts with believing in yourself. It is up to parents and teachers to nourish this belief and give children self-confidence by increasing what they are good at or what makes them happy. By creating a ‘making culture’ at school – where ‘thinking’ and ‘doing’ are equal and interchangeable – we bring students, parents and teachers closer together and give them the opportunity to strengthen each other in this area: believing in each other!
Core values:
We speak of a hiring policy at our school because as a foundation we have made agreements about the admission of students to our schools.
We are pleased that you have decided to register your child at Kindcentrum BR!CKS. For an intake interview and tour, you can make an appointment with Sanne Lagerweij, director of Kindcentrum BR!CKS. She can be reached by email:
[email protected]
or telephone 0499-371216. After this conversation you will hear whether your child can be placed.
Would you like to fill the registration form and bring it to the intake interview? Thank you!
With our school guide we want to inform you as well as possible about all kinds of matters regarding education at KC BR!CKS. In addition to a number of legal regulations, you will find information about what we stand for as a school, how we are organized, what care we provide, our collaborations and what our results are.
Click here to download the school guide.
As a school you are obliged to have a school plan in which you describe what you will be doing in the coming 4 years. In line with our vision, we have named this document ‘CONSTRUCTION PLAN’ instead of ‘school plan’. In the Construction plan you can read what our highlights and ambitions are.
Within the Construction plan 2024-2025 beschrijven we wat we komend schooljaar, per speerpunt, gaan doen/maken/ontwikkelen/verbeteren om onze ambities te behalen.
A so-called care structure plan states how the care for children is organized. The care is divided into four rings and described: standard care, support, special care and (a referral to) special education.
Click here to download the care plan.
We believe that together as parents, teachers and children, we must ensure a safe learning and playing environment. Within our foundation we therefore have made a safety plan. This contains protocols and procedures.
Read the 2023 annual report here or download it.
If you want to apply for leave outside the holiday days, please use this form.
Our manifesto of conduct is about dealing with each other at Child center BR!CKS. Click here to read it.
Vacation schedule 2024-2025:
Autumn break | October 21-25, 2024 |
Christmas holidays | December 23, 2024 to January 3, 2025 |
Spring break | March 3-7, 2025 |
May holidays | April 21 to May 2, 2025 (Easter Monday April 21) |
Ascension day | May 29, 2025 |
Friday after Ascension day | May 30, 2025 |
Whit Monday | June 9, 2025 |
Summer vacation | July 7 to August 15, 2025 |
Study days | October 4 & 7, December 6, January 22, February 13, April 1 and June 10 |
The continuous schedule applies to all students:
08:30 am – 2:00 pm.
What is the works council (MR)?
The law on the works council obliges every school to have a works council, a 'Meedezeggenschapsraad' (MR). Where the school management is allowed to make independent decisions by the government, parents and teachers have a say in a number of subjects. That is why the MR consists of an equal number of parents and teachers. The parent section is elected by the parents, the teacher section by the teachers. The MR has the task of positively critically monitoring the school policy. These tasks are described in the Participation in Schools Act. The MR meets 6 times a year and draws up a report of this.
What are the powers of the works council?
The MR has two types of rights: the right to advise and the right to consent. The right to advise means that the school management must respond seriously to any advice that the MR gives. This does not mean that every advice must be adopted. This is different for decisions for which the MR has the right to consent. Without the MR's consent, the school management cannot take such decisions.
The MR has the right of approval in the following matters:
– Changes in the educational objectives of the school.
– The school plan or the curriculum or the care plan.
– The school regulations.
– Safety, health and welfare policy.
The MR has the right to advise on the following matters:
– Policy regarding appointment and dismissal.
– Financial policy.
– Filling in after-school care.
– New construction, major renovations or maintenance of the school.
How can you become a member of the works council (MR)?
If a vacancy arises in the parent section of the MR, elections are announced. All parents with a child at our school can apply. If multiple parents apply, a written vote is held. All parents have the right to vote. A vacancy in the teacher section is filled by the team.
What is the composition of the MR?
The MR has four members, two from the teachers and two from the parents.
Do you have any questions or comments?
Our email address is: [email protected] or you can contact one of us directly in person.
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